


Checks if key is a meta module that is to be executed.

convert_dict_to_kwargs_dict(dictionary[, ...])

Converting dictionary generated by convert_file_to_dictionary() to a dictionary that can be used to provide keyword arguments.


Convert provided text file into dictionary.

convert_input_to_dictionary(file[, default, ...])

Reads provided input file (file) and default file, converting both to dictionaries.

execute_plugin(plugin_name, plugs_dict[, ...])

Executing module.

file_import(file_name[, mode, return_path])

Importing package file or file at arbitrary path and returning typing.TextIO instance.

get_by_path(root, items)

Access a nested object in root by item sequence.

import_plugin(plugin_name, plugin_module)

Importing module.

insert(class_object, top_key, middle_key, ...)

Insert function used in plugins.

merge(a, b[, path, update])

Deep merge two dictionaries, with b having priority over a


Converting string to either an int, float, or, if neither is possible, returning the string.

parse_parameter(key[, delimiter])

Provided key is split at delimiter(s) and returned as cleaned array

parse_parameter_to_array(key[, delimiter, ...])

parse_parameter() is applied to key string and result is converted to num and returned in ndarray

process_cell(dictionary, top_key, key, ...)

Processing of a single cell at dictionary[top_key][key][bottom_key]

process_input(dictionary, top_key, key, ...)

Processing of input at dictionary[top_key][key][bottom_key].

process_path(dictionary, path, top_key, key, ...)

Processing provided path.

process_table(dictionary, top_key, bottom_key)

Looping through all keys in dictionary[top_key] and applying process_input to dictionary[top_key][key][bottom_key].

read_textfile(file_name, delimiter[, mode])

Wrapper for genfromtxt with lru_cache for repeated reads of the same file.


Reverts processed parameter list to string.

set_by_path(root, items, value[, value_type])

Set a value in a nested object in root by item sequence.

sum_all_tables(dictionary, table_group, ...)

Applies sum_table() to all dictionary entries with a key that contains table_group.

sum_table(dictionary, top_key, bottom_key[, ...])

For the provided dictionary, all entries in dictionary[top_key] are processed using process_input() (positions: top_key > key > bottom key) and summed.


Checks if key is a meta module that is to be executed.


Meta module is identified by checking if key contains the substring ‘Analysis’ and does not contain any of the substrings in exceptions.

pyH2A.Utilities.input_modification.convert_dict_to_kwargs_dict(dictionary, middle_key='Value')[source]#

Converting dictionary generated by convert_file_to_dictionary() to a dictionary that can be used to provide keyword arguments.


Dictionary to be converted.

middle_keystr, optional

Middle key which is present in input dictionary. This key is removed in the process.


Dictionary suitable to provide keyword arguments.


Convert provided text file into dictionary. Text file has to follow GitHub flavoured Markdown style.


typing.TextIO instance of file to be converted.


Dictionary containing converted data from file.


Table format:

# Table A name

First | Second | …

— | — | —

Entry A | value 1 | …

Entry B | value 2 | …

# Table B name

The table name is used as top_key, the entries within the first column are used as middle_key and the names of the other columns are used as bottom key. E.g. {‘Table A name’: {‘Entry A’ : {‘Second’: ‘value 1’}}}

pyH2A.Utilities.input_modification.convert_input_to_dictionary(file, default='', merge_default=True)[source]#

Reads provided input file (file) and default file, converting both to dictionaries. The dictionaries are merged, with the input file having priority.


Path to input file.

defaultstr, optional

Path to default file.


Flag to control if input is merged with default file.


Input dictionary.

pyH2A.Utilities.input_modification.execute_plugin(plugin_name, plugs_dict, plugin_module=True, nested_dictionary=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Executing module.


Name of module.


Dictionary to store class object generated from module.

plugin_modulebool, optional

Flag to differentiate between plugins and analysis modules. If True, module is imported from Plugins. directory. If False, it is imported from Analysis. directory.

nested_dictioanrybool, optional

If True, a sub dictionary is created in plugs_dict, where the class object is stored.


Keyword arguments passed to class within module.


Class objected generated from module.


Module plugin_name is imported. It is assumed that the module contains a class with the same name as plugin_name. An instance of this class is created using **kwargs. The class object is then stored in plugs_dict.

pyH2A.Utilities.input_modification.file_import(file_name, mode='rb', return_path=False)[source]#

Importing package file or file at arbitrary path and returning typing.TextIO instance.


Path to file to be read. Can be either a regular path or a path of the form package.subdirectory~file_name to refer to a file in the pyH2A installation.


Mode for file read. Can be either r or rb. In case of r, a typing.TextIO instance is returned. In case of rb a typing.BinaryIO instance is returned.

outputtyping.BinaryIO or typing.TextIO instance

Whether a typing.BinaryIO or typing.TextIO is returned depends on mode.

pyH2A.Utilities.input_modification.get_by_path(root, items)[source]#

Access a nested object in root by item sequence.

pyH2A.Utilities.input_modification.import_plugin(plugin_name, plugin_module)[source]#

Importing module.


Name of module.

plugin_modulebool, optional

Flag to differentiate between plugins and analysis modules. If True, module is imported from Plugins. directory. If False, it is imported from Analysis. directory.


Class from imported module.


Module plugin_name is imported. It is assumed that the module contains a class with the same name as plugin_name

pyH2A.Utilities.input_modification.insert(class_object, top_key, middle_key, bottom_key, value, name, print_info=True, add_processed=True, insert_path=True)[source]#

Insert function used in plugins.

class_object: Discounted_Cash_Flow object

Dicounted_Cash_Flow object with .inp attribute, which is modified.


Top key.


Middle key.


Bottom key.

Valueint, float, str or ndarray

Value inserted at top_key > middle_key > bottom_key position.


Name of plugin performing insertion.

print_infobool, optional

Flag to control if information on action of insert() is printed.

add_processedbool, optional

Flag to control if ‘Processed’ key is added.

insert_pathbool, optional

Flog to control if ‘Path’ key is added.


inp attribute of class_object is modified by inserting value at the position defined by top_key > middle_key > bottom_key. If there already is a value at this position, it will be overwritten. In this case, the ‘Path’ entry will be set to ‘None’ to avoid issues if value at this position already existed and had a path specified. If there is not already a value at this position, it will be created name is the name of plugin using insert for insertion. If print_info is True, action of insert will be printed.

pyH2A.Utilities.input_modification.merge(a, b, path=None, update=True)[source]#

Deep merge two dictionaries, with b having priority over a


Converting string to either an int, float, or, if neither is possible, returning the string.


String to be converted to a number.

numint, float or str

String converted to int, float or str.


Input strings can contain commas as thousands seperators, which will be removed if the string is otherwise a valid number (float or int). If the input string ends with a “%” sign, it will be converted to a number divided by 100.

pyH2A.Utilities.input_modification.parse_parameter(key, delimiter='>')[source]#

Provided key is split at delimiter(s) and returned as cleaned array

pyH2A.Utilities.input_modification.parse_parameter_to_array(key, delimiter='>', dictionary=None, top_key=None, middle_key=None, bottom_key=None, special_values=[], path=None)[source]#

parse_parameter() is applied to key string and result is converted to num and returned in ndarray


String convert to array.

delimiterstr, optional

Delimiter used in string.

dictionarydict, optional

Dictionary used for lookup.

top_keystr, optional

Top key for lookup.

middle_keystr, optional

Middle key for lookup.

bottom_keystr, optional

Bottom key for lookup.

special_valueslist, optional

If key contains an element of special_values, the value at path is retrieved instead of using the actual value of key.

pathstr, optional

Path for lookup in case special_values is triggered.


Output as array.

pyH2A.Utilities.input_modification.process_cell(dictionary, top_key, key, bottom_key, cell=None, print_processing_warning=True)[source]#

Processing of a single cell at dictionary[top_key][key][bottom_key]


Dictionary within which function operates.


Top key.


Middle key.


Bottom key.

cellint, float, str or None

Cell entry.


Flag to control if a warning is printed when an unprocessed value is being used.


If cell contains only a number, the contents of that cell are returned. If cell contains a string, but that string is not a path (indicated by absence of “>” symbol), 1 is returned If cell contains a string which is potentially a path, it is processed: Contents of the cell are split at “;” delimiter, separating multiple potential paths. For each potential path, process_path() is applied. The retrieved target value(s) are multiplied and returned. Since value is initated to 1, if none of the paths are valid, simply 1 is returned.

pyH2A.Utilities.input_modification.process_input(dictionary, top_key, key, bottom_key, path_key='Path', add_processed=True)[source]#

Processing of input at dictionary[top_key][key][bottom_key].


Dictionary within which function operates.


Top key.


Middle key.


Bottom key.

path_keystr, optional

Key used for path column. Defaults to ‘Path’.

add_processedbool, optional

Flag to control if Processed key is added


Action: if there is an entry at dictionary[top_key][key][path_key], process_input() applies process_cell() to dictionary[top_key][key][bottom_key] as well as dictionary[top_key][key][path_key] and multiplies them. The resulting value is returned and placed into dictionary[top_key][key][bottom_key]

Detailed Description:

First, it is checked if that input has already been processed by looking for the “Processed” key. If this is the case, the input is simply returned. If it has not already been processed, it is checked if the input is a string which could not be a path (not containing “>”). In this case the string is simply returned and “Processed” is added.

If neither condition is met, process_cell() is applied. It is then attempted to retrieve dictionary[top_key][key][path_key]. If this entry cannot be retrieved, the process_cell() value of the input is returned,

If this entry can be retrieved, process_cell() is applied to it and the resulting Value is multiplied by the original process_cell() value of the input, updating value.

If the obtained value differs from the original entry, the obtained value is inserted at dictionary[top_key][key][bottom_key] and the original entry is stored in dictionary[top_key][key][former_bottom_key]

At the end, “Processed” is added.

pyH2A.Utilities.input_modification.process_path(dictionary, path, top_key, key, bottom_key, print_processing_warning=True)[source]#

Processing provided path. Checks are performed to see if path is valid.


Dictionary within which function operates.




Top key.


Middle key.


Bottom key.


Flag to control if a warning is printed when an unprocessed value is being used.


If provided path contains no “>” symbols, it is not a path and 1 is returned If provided path contains only one “>” symbol, it is not a valid path. A warning is printed and 1 is returned. If provided path contains two “>” symbols, it is potentially a valid path. It is then attempted to retrieve target value. If retrieval attempt is unsuccessful, a warning is printed and 1 is returned. If the path is valid, the target value is retrieved: If the rerieved target value comes from an unprocessed key, a warning is printed. If the retrieved target value is non-numerical, a warning is printed and 1 is returned. If the retrieved target value is numerical, it is returned.

pyH2A.Utilities.input_modification.process_table(dictionary, top_key, bottom_key, path_key='Path')[source]#

Looping through all keys in dictionary[top_key] and applying process_input to dictionary[top_key][key][bottom_key].


Dictionary within which function operates.


Top key.

bottom_keystr, ndarray or list

Bottom key(s).

path_keystr or ndarray, optional

Key(s) used for path column(s). Defaults to ‘Path’.


bottom_key can also be an array of keys, all of which are processed (in this case, path_key has to be an array of equal length).

pyH2A.Utilities.input_modification.read_textfile(file_name, delimiter, mode='rb', **kwargs)[source]#

Wrapper for genfromtxt with lru_cache for repeated reads of the same file.


Path to file.


Delimiter used in file.


Keyword arguments passed to numpy.genfromtxt().


Array containing read data.


Reverts processed parameter list to string.

pyH2A.Utilities.input_modification.set_by_path(root, items, value, value_type='value')[source]#

Set a value in a nested object in root by item sequence.


Existing value is either multiplied by provided one (value_type = factor) or is replaced by provided one. In-place replacement, should only be used on deep copy of self.inp dictionary

pyH2A.Utilities.input_modification.sum_all_tables(dictionary, table_group, bottom_key, insert_total=False, class_object=None, middle_key_insertion='Summed Total', bottom_key_insertion='Value', print_info=True, path_key='Path', return_contributions=False)[source]#

Applies sum_table() to all dictionary entries with a key that contains table_group. Resulting sum_table() values are summed to return total.


Dictionary within which function operates.


String to identify table group. If a dictionary key contains the table_group substring it is part of the table group.

bottom_keystr, ndarray or list

Bottom key.

insert_totalbool, optional

If insert_total is True, the total of each table is inserted in the respective table.

class_objectDiscounted_Cash_Flow object

Discounted_Cash_Flow object whose .inp attribute is modified.

middle_key_insertionstr, optional

Middle key used for insertion of total.

bottom_key_insertionstr, optional

Bottom key used for insertion of total.

print_infobool, optional

Flag to control if information on action of insert() is printed.

path_keystr, optional

Key used for path column. Defaults to ‘Path’.

return_contributionsbool, optional

Flag to control if a dictionary with contributions breakdown (for use in cost Cost_Contributions_Analysis module) is returned.


If insert_total is true, the sum_table() value for a given key is inserted in class_object.inp at key > middle_key_insertion > bottom_key_insertion.

The contributions of each table in table_group are stored in contributions dictionary, which is returned if return_contributions is set to True. Dictionary is structured so that it can be provided to “Cost_Contributions_Analysis” class to generate a cost breakdown plot.

pyH2A.Utilities.input_modification.sum_table(dictionary, top_key, bottom_key, path_key='Path')[source]#

For the provided dictionary, all entries in dictionary[top_key] are processed using process_input() (positions: top_key > key > bottom key) and summed.


Dictionary within which function operates.


Top key.

bottom_keystr, ndarray or list

Bottom key.

path_keystr, optional

Key used for path column. Defaults to ‘Path’.